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    IRC/ORC Merger Comments....

    The press release announcing the possible merger of the RORC/UNCL and ORC has also produced speculation about IRC that we seek to address with the question and answers shown below.

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    IRC 2011 Rule Changes Now Available

    The annual IRC Congress was held in Istanbul, Turkey over the weekend of 16 – 17 October. Delegates considered 30 submissions for changes to IRC rules and processes. Full details are now available on this website.

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    Seahorse Magazine - Free subscription

    On behalf of IRC certificate holders we have negotiated some excellent extra value into your certification...  All IRC certificate holders now have an automatic subscription to every other issue of Seahorse Magazine - in digital format.  We hope you soon discover why this iconic title continues to be the world's foremost sailboat racing magazine.

    Your Complimentary subscription is activated by clicking on the link below and using yourboat name and exact boat weight (as it appears on your IRC certificate) as your name and password information.

    Click here for your free digital subscription


    International Jury for the 34th America's Cup.

    The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) today announced the appointment of the International Jury for the 34th America's Cup. The 34th America's Cup Match is planned to be held in 2013, with lead up events commencing in 2011. A new class of boat, a 72 foot wing sail catamaran is currently being developed as is a new shorter race format

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    Progress Toward Unified Offshore Rating Rule

    The RORC and ORC are working together towards a common goal for Offsore Racing through an initiative to bring together the world offshore rating systems.

    The Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) and Union Nationale pour La Course au Large (UNCL), joint owners of the IRC rating rule, have been in discussion with the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) about the possibility of creating a unified organisation to govern yacht ratings worldwide. This initiative to bring the world offshore rating systems together was endorsed by ISAF following its Annual Conference in Korea in 2009.

    The intention is for RORC/UNCL and ORC to create a joint venture company which would run the existing rules, IRC and ORC and then in time, using the combined knowledge and resources, evolve new rating systems that combine the benefits of IRC and ORC to create fast, fun and seaworthy boats for unified competition all over the world.

    Bruno Finzi, Chairman of ORC, working alongside Vice-Chairman Wolfgang Schaefer, are enthusiastic and confident about working with the RORC. "We appreciate the work and friendship with RORC and we believe it is finally time to get back to the IOR era and to the ORC founding spirit, when only one single rule was recognised as 'the international' rule in offshore sailing."

    Chris Little, Admiral of the RORC, working with Commodore Andrew McIrvine agree that it is time to bring the development of rating systems under one umbrella. "We have received strong support from a number of countries and potential owners to develop a rule that will allow us to recreate the international yacht racing circuit and we shall continue to work towards this goal."

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